West Kensington W14
Locksmith services we offer in West Kensington.
Proficient 24/7 Emergency Locksmith
This is the friendliest service in West Kensington W14 that you can find. Our locksmiths are careful people with clean
background who will not jeopardize your home’s safety, neither your office’s or your car’s. If you wish to be sure that
the job is properly done, you should appeal to locksmith professional services in Shepherds Bush W14.
Callout Emergency Lockout
Our team follows the British lock security standards and can replace, install and upgrade any kind of lock, from classic
ones to edgy ones, such as digital locks. Our rates depend on the service and the area, but we will make sure that an
advantageous solution is found for you and your needs. After each replacement or upgrade you will receive a new set of
original keys that will only offer access to your property to whomever you want. Also, a carefree warranty of our work and
locks is given, so you can feel secure in your own home from West Kensington W14.
Locksmith services in West Kensington


All external doors must be fitted with at least one BS3621 Lock. Your content insurance could be void with out it. We supply and install only Full range of insured approved locks:
Description | Price |
Emergency Door Opening (fixed prices) | £50 simple non destructive entry (if possible) £130 drill ( high security lock ) |
Lock Change (labor) | £49 / lock |
Fresh Lock Installation - add second locks on doors | £69/hour |
New Lock: (depending on: size, security level, brand) | from £45 (1 year warranty) |
Open Car/Key Extracting | £120 |
Car key replacement | 89 + parts ( depending on model ) |
Mail Box Change / Lockout | 59 |
File Cabinet Change / Lockout | £59 |
UPVC doors/windows repair/open | £69 + parts |
Open Safe | from £120 |
Cancellation Fee (you can cancel at anytime however you will be charged a call out fee if the locksmith was dispatched to your property before cancellation) | £40 |
Metal Plate | £10 |
Extra key | £18 |
Banham Lock Opening | £150 |
Double Euro Maxus M-6P-AD3 6 Pin Anti Drill 3 Keys | £135 |
Double Euro TSS M-6P3 6 Pin 3 keys | £95 |
Versa High Securiy Cylinder 3 Keys | £135 |
Double Euro Security Cog Fire escape Evva M-TT-FE3 Thumb-Turn Fire Escape 3 Keys | £320 |
Double Euro ABS Magnetic HS-1AS-BS3-SKC-M3 Insurance Approve High Security, 1 Anti Snap, British Standard 3 Star Security Key Card 3 Magnetic Keys | £425 |
Double Oval Maxus Heavy Duty M-6P-HD-AD3 Medium Security 6 Pim Heavy Duty Anti Drill 3 Keys | £245 |
Rim Era B-5P3 5 Pin 3 Keys | £95 |
Rim TSS M-6P3 6 Pin 3 Keys | £135 |
Traditional Night-Latch BL-SB Basic Latch Security Button | £165 |
Modern Design Narrow Night-Latch ML-MD-SB-NS40 Medium Latch Modern Design Security Button Narrow Size | £265 |
Modern Night-Latch ML-MD-SB60 Medium Latch Modern Design Security Button | £285 |
Heavy Duty Era Night-Latch and Rim Set HS-BS-AD-HD-PA3 Insurance Approve British Standard High Security Heavy Duty Anti Drill Police Approved 3 Keys | £785 |
Traditional Yale Narrow BL-SB-NS40 BASIC LATCH Security Button Narrow Size | £285 |
Rim Yale B-LPM Basic Security Pin Locking Mechanism 2 Keys | £115 |
Deadlock Legge M-BS-5L-AD2 Insurance Approve British Standard 5 Lever Anti Drill 2 keys | £285 |
Sash-Lock Legge M-BS-5L-AD2 Insurance Approve British Standard 5 Lever Latch Mechanism Anti Drill 2 Keys | £360 |
Euro Profile Sash-Lock Union M-AS-EP Anti Saw Dead Bolt | £325 |
Detainer Union Heavy Duty Deadlock HS-5L-HD-AD2 High Security 5 Lever Heavy Duty Anti Drill 2 Yellow Keys | £885 |
Deadlock Union Anti Saw HS-5L-AS2 High Security Anti Saw Deadbolt 5 Lever Curtain Security Key Entrance 2 Keys | £295 |
Deadlock Era B-3L2 Basic Security 3 Lever 2 keys | £160 |
Deadlock Era B-3L2 Basic Security 3 Lever 2 keys | £160 |
Deadlock TSS B-3L2 Basic Security 3 Lever 2 keys | £160 |
Window Bolt WB2 2 Keys | £55 |
Door Chain SKS Narrow DC | £55 |
Padlock Squire Home Code HC-PS Hardened Steel Double Locking Recodeable | £85 |
Padlock Maxus Weatherproof WP-SR4-SG5-AS2 Laminated Steel Padlock Security Rating 4 Anti Saw Security Grade 5 2 keys | £95 |
Padlock Maxus Marine RP-WP2 Rustproof Weatherproof Stainless Steel 2 Keys | £45 |
Padlock Maxus Heavy Duty SG8-AC-AS-AB Security Grade 8 Anti Crop Anti Saw Armoured Body | £165 |
Code Lock TSS Heavy Duty CL-HD-R Internal Security Heavy Duty Recodeable | £385 |
Over-night Upvc Mechanism ON-UM-EP Security Case Euro Profile | £385 |
Rim ABS MAGNETIC High Security Anti Drill Anti pick Heavy Duty Anti Bump 3 magnetic keys Security Key card | £425 |
Rim Yale M-BS1-6P-AD/P/B2 Medium Security British Standard 6 Pin Anti pick Anti Drill Anti Bump 2 Keys | £175 |
Multi-Point Security Mechanism Case | £125-£575 |
Full Multi-Point Security Mechanism | £175-775£ |
Metal Plate | £10 |
Mail box security locks | £45-£165 |
Upvc security handles | £120-£220 |
Tower bolt TB102 | £20-£75 |
Double Euro Versa M-1AS-6P5 Medium Security 1 Anti Snap 6 Pin 5 Keys | £185 |
Detainer Union Heavy Duty Fire Escape Latch HS-5L-HD-FE2 High Security 5 Lever Heavy Duty Fire Escape 2 Yellow Keys | £885 |
Deadlock Union Heavy Duty HS-BS-HD-AT3 Insurance Approve High Security British Standard Anti Drill Heavy Duty 3 Yellow Keys | £625 |
Forensic Security Door Chain System HS-HDA-FDTS The Ultimate Home Security Burglar Deterrent System High Security High Decibel Alarm Forensic DNA Trace Spray Linked to your property | £625 |
Mul-t-lock cog double euro with thumbturn HS-DR-SKC-FE2 Security key card Anti pick Anti saw DRILLING RESISTANT FIRE ESCAPE 2 keys | £680 |
Double Euro Banham Replacement M-6P-AD3 6 Pin Anti Drill 3 Keys | £485 |
Double Euro Pioneer HS-2AS-BS1-6P3 Insurance Approve High Security 2 Anti Snap British Standard 1 Star 6 Pin 3 Keys | £285 |
Double Euro Brisant Fire Escape BBS-1AS-TT-6P-FE3 Insurance Approve British Standard 1 Anti Snap Thumb-Turn 6 Pin Fire Escape 3 Keys | £325 |
Avocet ABS High Security cylinder | £200 |
Prices do not include VAT taxes
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